Thursday, July 26, 2012

Probar la velocidad de la red con nc. Mbits net status with netcat.

< Let's Begin on a 100Mb network segment >

machinaA : nc -v -v -l -n -p 2222 >/dev/null
machinaB : time yes|nc -v -v -n 2222 >/dev/null

Stop after 10 seconds by typing ctl-c and jot down the time taken:
Now multiply the bytes rcvd by 8 to get total bits, then divide by the time: Result is 70Mb/s

< Next up - Gb ethernet segment >

machinaA : nc -v -v -l -p 2222 >/dev/null
machinaB : yes|nc cfms5-p 2222 >/dev/null