By the past
recently events, at the pro tour Return to
Ravnica, we now know that the Modern format is “a frustrating
format” and “this is particularly notable because Modern, is the
largest card pool available at the Pro Tour level”.
Modern may look
relatively diverse but pro tour results showed
a very different reality. As Jund becomes one of the best profitable bunch of
cards. The incredible result of “Second Breakfast”, relies on the
fact that totally ignores Jund threads, like Inquisition and Thoughtseize. At
the current state Jund can simply trust on his ability to exchange resources at
profitable rates, and wait to win. And “unfair” decks like “Second Break
Fast” just ignore
every card their opponents plays until he can reach her big thread. By now the
Modern metagame is sick.
What is going
to happened from now? Well there is a big fact, what we have to get into
consideration. “Modern Masters”. “Wizards” is preparing the ground to create an earthquake with
this release. And they have around of 5 months to create the best metagame and
most profitable modern season on magic history.
How this is
going to be reached? Unbanning... On this issue we have to review the list of
banned cards; I extracted tree of them. And this is my prediction:
“At least one of the following cards will be unbanned
before the end of 2012: Dread Return,Sword of the Meek and/or
This decisions is similar to the Valakut unbanning, activate an
arquetype . Dread Return unbanning is going to be related to the next big jump
price on the magic, Verdant Catacombs. Think about it, Verdant Catacombs are
the next on the list behind Misty Rain Forest and Scalding Tarn. If you check
it now (2012-10-29) at scg, or your favorite price list, the market is starting
missing their Verdant Catacombs. So I see this land climbing price consistently
until 25 or even 30 bucks.
It seems pretty clear that one reason for raising the
price on Misty Rain Forest is that Modern Masters will not feature the
fetchlands or anything else from Zendikar block.
And next, another big question!
Will some of this bannings come to the “Modern Master” party? Obviously … No. Why? By now Modern Masters is on prints and preparing the first
boxes, so; it’s too late to include it or Aaron is laying us, when he said “no banned cards are going to be on ‘Modern Masters’”. What does mean this? If all this crap is true, we can expect a jump on
price on some of these cards.
When are we going to see this unbanned? Ok, there are left one mayor
modern events on 2012. Grand Prix Lyon , and Gran Prix Chicago, so I guess that
wizards is going wait some days after, the start of Grand Prix Lyon or Gran Prix Chicago, they are going to confirm
if this unbanning is correct. So the final
announcement will be on November 20, 2012.
En este post se esta olvidando del hecho de que el ultimo anuncio de wizards sobre banneos dice, que seran anunciados una semana antes del prerealease, lo que significa que la proxima lista de banneos aparecera hasta el 20 y tanto de enero de 2013.